LifeGift Celebrates Mexican Tradition and Supports Two Special Community Events
November 2, 2023
Nine years ago, the Morales Memorial Foundation set out to organize an event connecting their donor community to organizations doing important work in the Houston area. The Death by Chocolate fundraising event allows communities to come together and make significant financial contributions to Houston organizations year after year.
Last week, LifeGift was thrilled to be a Las Flores sponsor at the Death by Chocolate event. It was a vibrant celebration of the traditional Día de Los Muertos observed in Hispanic culture with the major themes of: Remembrance, Community and Celebration. Proceeds from the event benefit Wesley Community Center, Segundo Barrio Children’s Chorus and Navigation Area Business Council. To view the photo gallery, please click here.
Día de Muertos, also known as “Day of the Dead”, is a tradition-filled three days when families remember and share memories of their departed loved ones. Friends and families participate in a variety of activities including lively processions and parades, and traditional dress and altar building.
A special thanks to the General Consulate of Mexico in Houston/Consulado General de México en Houston for offering LifeGift an opportunity to create an altar to honor organ, eye and tissue donors who gave others life. For more than 20 years, the Consulate General of Mexico has celebrated the Day of the Dead through a series of events including an altar exhibit. Each year, the Consulate invites their community partners to create an altar to honor those who are no longer with us. To view the photo gallery, please click here.